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Foreign Exchange

Father of Euro Warns of Brussels & Death of Democracy

The man whose idea gave life to the euro, Professor Otmar Issing, said it would be “dangerous” to transfer control over tax and spending to the EU federal...

The Euro and Why the Dollar Will Not Be Dethroned

In the Eurozone, Mario Draghi has announced that his quantitative easing has failed to produce inflation as everyone assumed. After nine months of buying various...

Dollar & Reserve Currency Status

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, First of all, congratulations for all the public information that you are offering in your website. For humble learners like me is...

Markets in Review

The markets are generally staging quite nicely for the ECM turning point. What generally rises into the turning point turns back down, and that which declines finds...

The Dollar Rally – From the Japanese Perspective

The Japanese yen has peaked against the dollar. The dollar in fact elected a YEARLY Bullish Reversal at the end of 2014. This is yet another confirmation that we...

The Dollar Rally is the Key

QUESTION: It seems as though the rally in gold is short covering? If it is, and all bottoms start that way, why is this not the bottom? Always read your work with...

China & the Dollar

The dollar rally and the devaluation of the yuan is not a fluke and it most certainly is not a one-time event. The dollar declined against the yuan for 19 years...

The Euro Crisis Will Not End Until this Line of Thinking Changes

Luis de Guindos, Spain’s economic minister, illustrates that those in European government remain clueless. He said that Greece should remain part of the Eurozone...

Clarifying the Euro

It appears that a June closing on cash below 11095 in the euro will reflect Grexit. A month-end closing for June below 10520 level will be very bearish short-term....

The Euro & the Press

Typical. The European press is claiming that the euro decline is over, and a Greece default will not harm Europe. This seems to be the standard propaganda from...