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Why the Dollar is not Fiat

QUESTION: You have said that coins were still fiat and not tangible hard money. Nobody else has said that. Can you support that statement? DS ANSWER: Of course....

Is the Dollar Really a Petrodollar anymore?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you so much for shedding light on what can only be deranged forecasts on the dollar and gold and never change regardless of...

Where has the Outflows from the US$ Gone for the Past Year?

QUESTION: Re: Am i certain about the Strong Dollar? Hi Marty, great blog posts and response. I think after reading this blog posts, the question on everyone’s...

Legal Tender Money v Fiat

QUESTION:  I wonder if you would care in a future blogpost to cast some light on the following? The sole ‘legal tender money’ in the final analysis is...

Am I Certain About the Strong Dollar?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have been reading your blog for over a year now. Your posts are a superb read and one of the first things I check every morning...

Reality of the Dollar

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong. I understand the logic of the weakness / strength of currency that you outline from time to time in your modelling of the global...

The Long-term Cycle of Monetary Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have been following you for all my adult life and that has exceeded 20 years by now and am shocked to say, I found your article on how...

Tell a Lie Often Enough it Becomes the Truth – How Lies Now Defeat Gold & Dollar

A flood of comments from central banks this week has been signalling that the era of easy money is coming to an end. Of course, the nonsense spouted out by the Gold...

Gold & Euro & Dollar

QUESTION: Marty; You said gold was still vulnerable in dollars but that the low was probably in place in Euros. I have been trying to reconcile that statement in my...