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Interest Rates

Private v Public Rate

QUESTION: I am a bit confused. You have forecast that interest rates will rise but official rates will decline. Exactly how does this materialize? Thank you GF...

The Biggest Bubble in Modern Financial History

QUESTION: You said before you were advising corporates to issue long-term bonds and lock in the low rates. Even the US Treasury seems to be following your advice...

The Fed’s Real Crisis – To Cut or Not to Cut

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to be the only person who distinguishes private interest rates v public. Has the marketplace gone insane along with Trump...

Real-World v Fake Central Bank Interest Rates

QUESTION: Socrates has been forecast that the free market rates are rising but the official central bank rates are still bearish overseas and neutral domestically....

How Long Can Artificially Low Interest Rates be Maintained?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First let me thank you for your paradigm shifting blog and the incredible conferences you and your team put together. They really are on a...

PRIVATE BLOG – Powell & Interest Rates

PRIVATE BLOG – Powell & Interest Rates Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Inverted Yield Curve

The yield curve has been inverted for the last month. An inverted yield curve occurs when long-term government debt yields fall below rates on short-term notes and...

Australia Lowers Rate to Historic Low of 1%

The Reserve Bank of Australia has cut the official cash rate for the second month in a row to 1%. As we head into the turning point of the Economic Confidence Model...

Austria Sell 100-Year Bonds – But Who Are the Buyers?

Austria was able to sell its second 100-year bond in history at just a yield of just over 1.00%. Some argue that capital has been forced to buy anything that has a...

Interest Rate & Currency Pegs

QUESTION: Martin, I went over three blogs this morning (both public and private); they are The FED Between a Rock & a Hard Place, Manipulating interest rates...