Interest Rates
New Argument to Raise Rates – Rent Inflation!
May 24, 2017
There are those in the Fed who are desperate to find an excuse to raise interest rates. The one being bantered about is the Fed needs to raise rates to help the...
Interest RatesThe Future – Putting it All Together
March 11, 2017
This is the year of political hell. The question is not about supporting one side or the other. This is a time that calls for us not to be small petty creatures but...
Dow Jones Foreign Exchange Gold Interest Rates Sovereign Debt CrisisBonds v Shares
January 12, 2017
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong As a long time reader I rarely see you mention the possible long term benefits of also holding corporate bonds. I understand the...
Interest Rates Sovereign Debt CrisisDo Lower Interest Rates Promote Deflation?
October 25, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have said that the only way to reverse the deflation is to raise interest rates not lower them. I understand that the low rates only...
Armstrong Economics 101 Interest RatesDoes the Fed Fear a Dollar Rally & Bond Crash?
October 7, 2016
QUESTION: Numerous people have asked: Does the FED actually also see these trends coming (strong US dollar, bond crash) ? K. ANSWER: Yes. The Fed has sent...
Interest Rates USD $Fed has become World Central Bank
September 21, 2016
The U.S. Federal Reserve left interest rates unchanged yet strongly indicated that it could still tighten monetary policy by the end of this year as the labor...
Interest RatesInflation – Deflation – Interest Rates
September 16, 2016
QUESTION: Is there a correlation between the GDP rate and interest rate ? Best regards, BL ANSWER: No. What central bankers fail to take into consideration is that...
Interest RatesGlobal Debt with Negative Rates Reaches $12 Trillion
July 5, 2016
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am really confused regarding long-term interest rates – I had thought they were controlled by the markets – but it seems...
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