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Interest Rates

Repo Crisis – Best Kept Secret Ever!

COMMENT: Marty; I want to thank you for a great conference. It is clear you are the only true institutional adviser. Our board is very impressed. The FT reported...

QE v Managing Benchmark Rates

QUESTION: The Fed buying $60 billion in T-Bills each month is obviously not long-term QE. They are expanding their balance sheet, but this is clearly not the QE as...

REPO Crisis

QUESTION: Martin, I heard an interesting argument recently about the Fed injecting money into the repo market. This person said that Dodd-Frank allows the fed to...

Negative Interest Rates is the Way to Kill a Reserve Currency

Christine Lagarde said back in August that the European Central Bank still had room to cut rates if needed. However, she added that this could pose a challenge to...

Fed Cuts Rates 25 basis Points

The Federal Reserve, as expected, cut rates a quarter-point. The Fed also warned that further moves to ease interest rate policy may be coming to an end. The rate...

Split Between Official & Real Interest Rates

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; When I first brought this topic up at our board meeting about the split in interest rates between private and public, there was skepticism...

The Dollar Shortage & Liquidity Crisis?

The NY Federal Reserve announced last week that they will continue their repo operation until October 10th, 2019. The repurchase agreements will amount to up to $75...

The Panic in Interest Rates is Just Getting Started

QUESTION: Marty; You warned that there would begin a cash shortage and real rates would rise in the private sector starting in September after Labor Day. Ok,...

Trump on Interest Rates -OMG!

I have said this many times, when it comes to understanding interest rates Trump is speaking the standard mantra that people apply when it comes to interest rates....

Private v Public Rate

QUESTION: I am a bit confused. You have forecast that interest rates will rise but official rates will decline. Exactly how does this materialize? Thank you GF...