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Interest Rates

Split Between Official & Real Interest Rates

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; When I first brought this topic up at our board meeting about the split in interest rates between private and public, there was skepticism...

The Dollar Shortage & Liquidity Crisis?

The NY Federal Reserve announced last week that they will continue their repo operation until October 10th, 2019. The repurchase agreements will amount to up to $75...

The Panic in Interest Rates is Just Getting Started

QUESTION: Marty; You warned that there would begin a cash shortage and real rates would rise in the private sector starting in September after Labor Day. Ok,...

Trump on Interest Rates -OMG!

I have said this many times, when it comes to understanding interest rates Trump is speaking the standard mantra that people apply when it comes to interest rates....

Private v Public Rate

QUESTION: I am a bit confused. You have forecast that interest rates will rise but official rates will decline. Exactly how does this materialize? Thank you GF...

The Biggest Bubble in Modern Financial History

QUESTION: You said before you were advising corporates to issue long-term bonds and lock in the low rates. Even the US Treasury seems to be following your advice...

The Fed’s Real Crisis – To Cut or Not to Cut

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to be the only person who distinguishes private interest rates v public. Has the marketplace gone insane along with Trump...

Real-World v Fake Central Bank Interest Rates

QUESTION: Socrates has been forecast that the free market rates are rising but the official central bank rates are still bearish overseas and neutral domestically....

How Long Can Artificially Low Interest Rates be Maintained?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First let me thank you for your paradigm shifting blog and the incredible conferences you and your team put together. They really are on a...

PRIVATE BLOG – Powell & Interest Rates

PRIVATE BLOG – Powell & Interest Rates Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...