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Markets by Sector

Our Proprietary US Share Market Index Measuring the degree of Overbought Securities

QUESTION: Where does your overbought index stand on the stock market? KL   ANSWER: This Index is proprietary. It peaked at 12.55 during October 1919 as...

Private Blog – The close of March – 1st Quarter Dow-Gold-Dollar

  Private Blog – The close of March – 1st Quarter...

Will the Euro Survive by 2021?

  The results of the Italian election is just starting to sink in. The rise of comedian Beppo Grillo to Italy’s most successful politician, who won 32.7%...

Bundesbank Warns German Banks Rates are Moving Higher

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It appears that now the Bundesbank has adopted your view of rising interest rates. How fast do you see rates rising? PY ANSWER:...

The Fed is Raising Rates Because of the Pension Crisis

QUESTION: The Fed says it will raise rates two or three times more this year. My question is this: If the stock market is crashing, why are they still raising...

Private Blog The Dow for the week of 03/26/2018

Private Blog The Dow for the week of...

Private Blog – Silver for the Close of March

Private Blog – Silver for the Close of...

Private Blog – US Share Market Outlook

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market...

Private Blog – Dow for the Close of 03/23

Private Blog – Dow Jones for the close of...

Why Are Dollar Bulls Almost Extinct?

Bloomberg has reported that dollar bulls are nearly extinct down to just 2.3 %. The majority, which is always wrong, are all focused on the nonsense of the budget...