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Markets by Sector

Pandemic Can hit the Food Supply

We tend to think about a disease that infects humans or even animals that results in widespread crisis. However, what is also unfolding is a rise in a disease that...

The GMW for the Dow




The 2018 Share Market Report – a Road-map Beyond 2018

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I could not put down your new report on the share markets. I had no idea that 2018 was such a crossroads in the whole scheme of things. This...

Conflict between Fiscal & Monetary Policy

We are moving into a crisis of monumental proportions. There has been a serious fundamental problem infecting economic policy on a global scale. This conflict has...

The 2018 Share Market Report

The 2018 Share Market Report is now available. This deals with the prospect that 2018 is the major turning point from a normal cyclical perspective. This special...

Private Blog – Dow for the Week of 2/11/2018

Private Blog – Dow for the Week of...

Private Blog – Gold & Euro

Private Blog Posts have been Made Available on Gold & the Euro for Today’s Closing Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers....

Private Blog – Dow Down into March?

Private Block – Dow Down into...

Source for the History of Interest Rates

QUESTION: Hello Martin: I was quoting you while speaking to a friend from a similar recent post where you stated that interest rates were at 5,000-year lows. They...