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Markets by Sector

Draghi Admits EU May Breakup For First Time

For the first time, the head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, has conceded the possibility that the EU may fall apart. Draghi came out and said that any...

Dow Going into Inauguration

The intraday high was established on January 6th in the Dow at 19.999.63. We elected a Daily Bearish Reversal the very next day, which warned that we are moving...

Private Blog – Gold Update for Target Week of 16th

Private Blog – Gold Update for the Target Week of January 16th,...

Gold Bullion v Coins

QUESTION: Marty; Do you still see 2017 as the end in the decline in gold or 2018? Also, I think I now understand that coins are better than bullion for confiscation...

What About Collectibles?

QUESTION: Hi Marty! I would like to have your thinking about one important thing: the exit of this mess. I was in the last two WEC with my friend Mark and enjoy...

Bonds v Shares

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong As a long time reader I rarely see you mention the possible long term benefits of also holding corporate bonds. I understand the...

Bitcoin – Is it Sustainable?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I have been to the Orlando conference and probably read every single one of your blogs since about a year ago and now wanted to ask...

Monetary Devaluations & Cancellations

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What Modi has done here in India is far worse than what the press reports. I read your piece that this is part of a larger plan discussed...

The Overview

The Dow made a new high on Friday, but we failed to closed above the 2016 high. We still see the next major resistance level in the 21000-23000 area. A Phase...

Money Changers Refusing to Accept Australia $100 Bills

Because Australia has convened a commission to terminate the $100 bill, in the wake of the currency being cancelled overnight in India, there is a growing distrust...