The rush of foreign capital that has caused real estate in major cities to soar coming out of China has hit Australia, Canada, and the USA. The laws against foreign...
Our Target for a turning point was February and that may indeed produce the highest monthly closing. The intraday high came on March 1st, but looking forward we are...
Apparently, some people have discovered the Exchange Stabilization Fund and are now touting this as some major power in manipulating the world economy. This is...
QUESTION: I have a question regarding cycles. You provide some very detailed, historic references showing why certain events are occurring now (again). Is there a...
Another major discovery of oil has been made in Alaska of 1.2 billion barrels. It is the largest find of conventional oil for 30 years on US territory. The...
QUESTION: Hello Martin I am beside myself when I look at the disconnect that we are seeing in relation to the US equity market and the US bond market. Are...
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, as a daily reader of your blog I noticed the recent comment on the norweigian real estate market. You wrote that it was capital...
While Europe is certainly not turning bullish, what we do see is a bounce due to the fundamental focus of the pending US debt ceiling battle looming on the horizon....
This is the year of political hell. The question is not about supporting one side or the other. This is a time that calls for us not to be small petty creatures but...