COMMENT: Congratulations Marty. We closed out the year less than one point away from your maximum (Tech 3) SPX 2016 target of 2239.8038 that your computer...
QUESTION: As a small retail investor, what would Marty suggest to invest in if in fact we break the 23000 level on the DOW and we do in fact get the phase...
The assault on gold is by no means casual. The hunt for money and the global effort to eliminate cash to be able to increase taxation is also targeting gold. All...
All that matters is what you believe. Despite all the leftist protests yelling Trump is not their president, University of Michigan, which tracks consumer...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, How does the model’s call for deflation (earlier blog posts) fit in with the likely major cycle low in interest rates (per your recent...
To make it clear, India is not going door to door to confiscate gold any more than FDR did. The reason so many $20 gold coins have survived is because there was no...