QUESTION: Any update or longer term array for the GBP? You said they are attempting to hold the USD’s advance back any chance there’s also attempt to...
COMMENT: Marty; Your forecast at the last WEC that the pound would break the 1985 low seemed extreme. I have to say as I watch it this morning, your computer picks...
QUESTION: Numerous people have asked: Does the FED actually also see these trends coming (strong US dollar, bond crash) ? K. ANSWER: Yes. The Fed has sent...
QUESTION: Marty; I won a bet against a goldbug. He bet gold would soar and the dollar would crash October 1st because of the SDR and said you would be exposed as a...
QUESTION: Hi, I have two questions: a) do you believe US dollar has been kept artificially lower than it should be (or at least in long range trading range) by at...