QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem often to be the guy with the level head when everyone else is losing it. Now we have this doomsday day prediction of the end of...
We did not elect the Weekly Bearish last Friday. This has level the week of August 29th as the low, which was the target turning point on the array at that time....
Thailand is looking to issue SIM cards to all tourists to protect national security. They say they will be able to respond to tourists in trouble, but they are...
We only elected the 1330 Daily Bearish. We did have another I did not mention at 1320. The next one we will see today. They are basis bearish futures not the spot...
QUESTION: Marty; Since you wrote that central banks have been net sellers of US Treasuries for the first six months to support their currencies, others are jumping...
The fast food chain Domino’s has delivered the first deliveries of the world a pizza by drone. The test flight took place in New Zealand on Thursday. Later...