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Markets by Sector

Gold Into the Abyss?

QUESTION: Marty, thank you for the conference. I have made more than 10 times the seat price just on your top couple of trades. I see the world differently now for...

The Computer Did Pretty Well on the Dax

  Notice the Panic Cycles targeted 12/03 and volatility in cycles into the end of this week. We live in interesting times. People ask how the computer can do...

Gold & Dow Inflation Adjusted

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have said that gold adjusted for inflation has not exceeded the 1980 high. Have we exceeded the 1929 high in the stock market? Just...



Euro Rally

QUESTION: Marty, I believe you said if the Euro closes below 10365 for the year then everything would fall apart. If it closed above 105, then the decline can be...

Real Estate Has Peaked

The U.S. real estate market has turned for the top end has peaked. Luxury homes for the top 5% are now off by 2%. In my personal search, I have been looking at...

Gold & the Euro

QUESTION: Marty, it is amazing how these markets gravitate to your number like the 1043 in gold and 10530 in the Euro. You said at the conference we should watch...

Gold, Geopolitics, & the Dollar

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for you blog and your informed perspective on world markets. I’ve owned gold and silver bullion for about 10 years and since...

Are Goldbugs Howling at the Moon with $100,000 Prices?

COMMENT: Marty, the goldbugs are like jihadists, they are now proclaiming China will buy all gold and make it $50,000 to $100,000 an ounce. When wrong, just raise...