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Markets by Sector

Origin of Dollar Sign

Apparently, there is some new conspiracy theory running around that claims that the dollar sign ($) is some sort of symbol for a secret banking cartel because...

London Property Crashes – Off 11.5% in One Month

It appears the London Property Market bubble has peaked with the Osbourne changes in taxation and the Economic Confidence Model. Already, just since the turn on...


I greatly appreciate all the news clippings quoting goldbugs and how they have been wrong from the 1970s. I was unaware how one of the famous ones sold out at $265...

Clarification on Energy

Nuclear fission is the splitting of the nucleus of an atom, which releases an enormous amount of energy and radiation. This is what is used in nuclear bombs and...

Gold – November 16, 2015 (Intraday)

COMMENT: Marty, if gold cannot rally now, then a turn to new lows will be devastating. What’s left for them to cling to? China reevaluating gold at $100,000?...

Gold in the Wake of Paris

Although gold made a knee-jerk reaction rally to 1097, at the time of this writing it has fallen back to 1087. We elected one Weekly Bearish at 1084; from the last...

The Dow

The Dow is pulling back on schedule. We do not see a breakout to the upside. This should tread water for a bit, waiting for everything to align. A closing today...

Gold & the Approaching New Lows

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I want to thank you for saving me so much money. I now read the goldbugs for entertainment. They never admit they are wrong. But now they...

The Dow Positioning Itself to Breakout in 2016?

The Dow has been electing Daily Bullish Reversals since the start of October. Given the fact that the DAX did break last year’s low on the ECM target and...

The Dow & the Future

Yes, there were ONLY two possible patterns (instead of countless): (1) the slingshot where you penetrate the previous year’s low and then blast to new...