Markets by Sector
Gold – Interest Rates – Rally
October 14, 2015
QUESTION: Will higher interest rates hurt gold if they reflect demand for money and inflation? ANSWER: Analysts have said that higher interest rates would hurt gold...
Forecasts GoldSilver Rally & Gold Decline?
October 14, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; there are claims that silver is in short supply and since the prices are low that proves it is a manipulation. This seems to be the same...
Gold Q&A SilverGold Standard Nonsense Compelling Us To Repeat History
October 14, 2015
COMMENT: “The system is collapsing. It is not because of some derivatives bubble. It is not because of fiat. This is because of the debt gone wild”...
Gold Q&ADow/Gold Ratio
October 11, 2015
A number of people have wrote in to ask about the proposition that gold should rise to be equal to the Dow because that is where it had reached in 1980. Sorry,...
GoldCentral Banks Selling U.S. Treasuries As Fight Over Debt Looms
October 7, 2015
Central banks have been dumping U.S. Treasury bonds because of the debt ceiling problem. The Tea Party will shut down funding if they have their way. This situation...
Bonds Sovereign Debt Crisis USA Current EventsGold & the Dow – Looking Ahead
October 6, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So many people have tried to copy what you do and in the process expose themselves as having nothing original to offer. They pretend to...
Dow Jones Forecasts Gold Q&AAusterity vs. Hyperinflation: Which Is the Precursor to Revolution?
October 5, 2015
QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; I recently read an article claiming to be a case study that it was somehow the French hyperinflation that led to the revolution. It seems...
Ancient Economies Gold Q&A The Hunt for TaxesGold & Propaganda
October 4, 2015
QUESTION: i read your latest piece on gold…..i see your rationale for inflation not causing gold to rise but rather an erosion in confidence of government...
GoldGold — Money Supply — Media
October 4, 2015
QUESTION: Hello Martin, First let me say thank you for all that you do keeping us informed on the markets and geopolitical events. I’ve been an avid reader of...
Gold Q&AAre Stocks and Gold Inversely Correlated?
October 3, 2015
QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, is it true that stocks and gold are inversely correlated? ANSWER: No. That is not a correct statement. No relationship is static, other...
Basic Concepts Gold SilverBlog Alerts
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