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Markets by Sector

Confiscating Gold

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Has the banning of items used by people always led to those items becoming more expensive? First thought is the prohibition of alcohol but...

The Dollar Rally – From the Japanese Perspective

The Japanese yen has peaked against the dollar. The dollar in fact elected a YEARLY Bullish Reversal at the end of 2014. This is yet another confirmation that we...

Dubai & the Middle East

The general perception that Middle Eastern countries are flush with cash and deliberately try to keep oil down to harm Iran when it begins to sell is rather...

The Dollar Rally is the Key

QUESTION: It seems as though the rally in gold is short covering? If it is, and all bottoms start that way, why is this not the bottom? Always read your work with...

China & Gold

The gold promoters are trying to claim that China is understating its gold reserves because it is trying to confuse the markets about their clear ambitions to make...

Gold – Losing Its Mobility

One of the greatest advantages of gold throughout history was the fact that it was independent of government and movable. Today, the hunt for taxes by government...

China & the Dollar

The dollar rally and the devaluation of the yuan is not a fluke and it most certainly is not a one-time event. The dollar declined against the yuan for 19 years...

Gold & The Bounce

Gold rallied and stopped dead at 1108.50, just shy of the 1109 Daily Bullish Reversal. Technically, the market stopped at the bottom of the broad channel overhead....

Money Laundering & Gold

I have warned that if you are going to buy gold, make sure it is common date $20, $10, or $5 gold coins since bullion is going to become a dirty word. As of April...

Death of Oil & EM Drive

  When it rains, it pours. For the last 15 years there have been rumblings surrounding the possibility of creating the impulse engine in “Star Trek”....