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Markets by Sector

Gold & the International View

QUESTION: Dear Martin, When you comment upon the majority of your analysis, I assume it is from a domestic (US oriented) perspective, looking out at the world.For...

Gold – the Hedge Against Government

I have stated countless time that gold is NOT the hedge against inflation, hyperinflation, the anti-fiat antagonist against the dollar, or manipulation that keeps...

Alternative Bonds

I have received a lot of emails about how the gold bugs have now adopted the ECM date for the turn in gold and how governments are planning to roll out alternative...

Gold – China – Here We Go Again

QUESTION:    Hi Martin, I was “of one mind” when it came to gold and silver and the shisters that clam “manipulation to the downside,”...

Gold & Stuttgart

QUESTION: At Stuttgart you said gold coins would be one asset people could use against the banks and that there is some seasonal high. Could you explain that a bit...

The Euro & the Press

Typical. The European press is claiming that the euro decline is over, and a Greece default will not harm Europe. This seems to be the standard propaganda from...

Yields Are Collapsing on Short-End

The amount of cash rushing around on the short-end is stunning. Yields are collapsing into negative territory, and this is the same flight to quality we began to...

The Strange Case for Gold

QUESTION: Hey Martin, Years ago, I thought I was so smart.  Silver was 5 and gold was 300.  I was pretty young and did not have a lot of money. I purchased 30k...

The Reaction in the Euro

The reaction rally in the Euro appears to be on schedule. The March low at 10458 held during April, so at the very least that implies a 2-3 month reaction rally....

Gold & a Future Bull Market

To make it clear, nothing has changed. A bull market is something that rises in terms of all currencies. The paper dollar and gold are ending up on the same side of...