QUESTION: Hi Martin.. thanks so much for all your world/economic content and perspective. I was reading a comment you made recently concerning real estate...
President Trump just does not understand the dollar. This old school idea that lowering the currency will increase domestic jobs and exports sounds logical, but the...
QUESTION: I am a bit confused. You have forecast that interest rates will rise but official rates will decline. Exactly how does this materialize? Thank you GF...
QUESTION: Marty, you have said this is the historic bond bubble of all times with interest rates at a 5,000 year low. Will you elaborate on the bond bubble at the...
QUESTION: You said before you were advising corporates to issue long-term bonds and lock in the low rates. Even the US Treasury seems to be following your advice...
There are now officially more $100 bills in circulation than $1 bills. The interesting aspect is that when we dig deeper, what is revealed is the fact that the bulk...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to be the only person who distinguishes private interest rates v public. Has the marketplace gone insane along with Trump...
QUESTION: What makes currencies rise & fall in value? CC ANSWER: Many people want to reduce this to a logical explanation. It reminds me of when I testified...
PRIVATE PRO BLOG – The 30-Year Bonds & World in Crisis (Pro) Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or...