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Great Alignment – Metals – Shares – Tangible Assets

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I notice that the gold market and the Dow Jones they both had a high in January and since then they have been treading water, are these...

Private Blog – The close of March – 1st Quarter Dow-Gold-Dollar

  Private Blog – The close of March – 1st Quarter...

Gold Factual Sophistry – Here We Go Again

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The goldbugs are saying that China, Russia, India are “rogue” rising economic powers that are rogue nations. They...

Private Blog – Gold Closing of the 23rd

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold for the close of the...

Private Blog – Gold The Breakout or Frustration?

Private Blog – Gold The Breakout or...

80% of Colombian Gold Production is Illegal

QUESTION: A friend of mine attended your WEC. He said he asked you at the cocktail party why gold was so cheap in South America. You said the drug cartels control...

Private Blog – Gold & Euro

Private Blog Posts have been Made Available on Gold & the Euro for Today’s Closing Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers....

Can the Stocks & Bonds Crash & Only Gold Rises?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I use to listen to the Goldbug analysts but they never change. Now the pitch is you have to protect your wealth from stock and bond market...

Private Blog – Gold & the $1,000 Level

  Private Blog – Gold & the $1,000...

The 2017 Closing US$ – Gold – Dow

The Dow failed to OPEN above the 2017 Intraday high so we are not yet ready for prime time. This is still a 0ff-Broadway play, but we are getting closer. The dollar...