The dwindling credit of Turkey and significant decline in its currency, has led to the new clever idea of confiscating gold with a smile. The Turkish Central...
Trump authorized the U.S. military to launch more than 50 missile strikes aimed at an airfield near Homs. Trump has stated that he had targeted the Syrian...
Our Target for a turning point was February and that may indeed produce the highest monthly closing. The intraday high came on March 1st, but looking forward we are...
This is the year of political hell. The question is not about supporting one side or the other. This is a time that calls for us not to be small petty creatures but...
The rumors are flying in France and the conservative candidate Fillon denounces a probe now into corruption. Fillon now vows to fight on to the end – not...
QUESTION: Marty, you said towards the end of the bear market in gold, it will start to align with the stock market. Are we approaching that period since this has...