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Gold Closed 1220.80


Private Blog Gold Update


Private Blog – Gold Update for Target Week of 16th

Private Blog – Gold Update for the Target Week of January 16th,...

Gold Bullion v Coins

QUESTION: Marty; Do you still see 2017 as the end in the decline in gold or 2018? Also, I think I now understand that coins are better than bullion for confiscation...

Bitcoin – Is it Sustainable?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I have been to the Orlando conference and probably read every single one of your blogs since about a year ago and now wanted to ask...

The Overview

The Dow made a new high on Friday, but we failed to closed above the 2016 high. We still see the next major resistance level in the 21000-23000 area. A Phase...

Year-End Closing – Private Blog

Private Blog Update for Year-End Closing Dow – Euro –...

Private Blog Update for Gold


Confiscating Gold

The assault on gold is by no means casual. The hunt for money and the global effort to eliminate cash to be able to increase taxation is also targeting gold. All...

Clarification on India’s Gold Confiscation

To make it clear, India is not going door to door to confiscate gold any more than FDR did. The reason so many $20 gold coins have survived is because there was no...