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Mining Shares

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong; what do you think about mining shares? REPLY: I do not have the time to talk about every market and every move. We do have mining shares in...

Jobs v Asset Inflation

The job market collapsed in May, and on Friday the Labor Department reported that the nation’s economy added only 38,000 jobs. The experts were expecting a modest...

Market Update Dow – Euro – Gold

We have provided a Market update for the May closing today in the Euro, gold, and the...

Bankers Forced out of Metals?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been trapped by these gold promoters and they indeed are like used car salesmen, worse since they are not regulated. I listened how...

Market Update

The markets are in turmoil. Gold has plunged again trading down trying to flirt with 1206. If we close below 1206 today, then get prepared for a test of 1174 which...

Dollar Rally on Capital Flight from Europe

COMMENT: Marty, I used your model as you have taught us. I sold the euro at 116 with a stop loss at 11705. I sold gold at 1305 with a stop above last year’s...

Gold & the Dollar

QUESTION: Marty, it looks like the goldbugs will be wrong once again and you will be right after all. I can’t wait for your technical conference. My basic...

Gold Perspectives

QUESTION: Did gold bottom on your first benchmark? When you say adjusted for inflation, gold should make a new high by 2023, do you mean we have to wait that long?...

Market Update for Gold

Gold has been backing off with the prospect of rising interest rates, but a weekly closing below 1225 will signal that the high is possibly in place. However, a...