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Precious Metals Update Private Blog

Private Update for Precious...

Metals Update – Private Blog

Metals Update on the Private...

Euro – Gold – Silver Update for the Close

Private Blog Update for the close today in Euro – Gold –...

Metals Update on Private Blog

Metals Update for Today on the Private Blog...

Private Blog Update for Today’s Close Metals & Euro

Private Blog Update for Metals Closing Today & the...

Metals Update Tomorrow May 2nd

We will provide the Video Update for the Metals Tomorrow (for those who took the Metals Report). The computer does a far better job than any individual can possibly...

Are the Metals & Dow Aligning?

QUESTION: All three are moving together since mid-January. Does that mean all three are already aligned and a lift is now possible? Or do we go to retest the...

Metals & Stocks Still Not on the Same Page?

QUESTION: At the WEC you said that as long as the metals and the stock market are still fighting with each other, then the breakout is not quite ready. I assume we...

Market Update

The market continues to press everyone up against the absurd. The Dow rallied so far above the 18100 level that it defied the logic that continues to be bearish....

Gold Stocks: 7-Month High?

The gold stocks are really a mixed bag. Some companies will go belly-up and others will survive. Those with big debt positions should stay far away for as interest...