Gold – No Time Left for Conspiracy Theories
January 14, 2016
To some, this is a religious battle. To others, it is just a time to rip off a lot of people by selling fantasies and sophistry. I have stated this many times, so...
Forecasts GoldGold Update
December 25, 2015
Gold for year-end has a number of 1044.50 if we close BELOW this next Wednesday on December 31. If we close ABOVE this number, it will not provide a buy signal...
Forecasts GoldCommodity-Based Countries to Liquidate Wealth Funds & Gold
December 19, 2015
QUESTION: Marty, at the Berlin cocktail party you said we may yet see gold sales from oil producing countries if oil breaks your yearly number of $35 for year end...
Energy Forecasts Gold Q&AGold Into the Abyss?
December 18, 2015
QUESTION: Marty, thank you for the conference. I have made more than 10 times the seat price just on your top couple of trades. I see the world differently now for...
Gold Q&AGold & Dow Inflation Adjusted
December 11, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have said that gold adjusted for inflation has not exceeded the 1980 high. Have we exceeded the 1929 high in the stock market? Just...
Gold Q&AGold & the Euro
December 4, 2015
QUESTION: Marty, it is amazing how these markets gravitate to your number like the 1043 in gold and 10530 in the Euro. You said at the conference we should watch...
Euro € Forecasts GoldGold, Geopolitics, & the Dollar
November 20, 2015
QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for you blog and your informed perspective on world markets. I’ve owned gold and silver bullion for about 10 years and since...
Gold Q&A USD $Are Goldbugs Howling at the Moon with $100,000 Prices?
November 19, 2015
COMMENT: Marty, the goldbugs are like jihadists, they are now proclaiming China will buy all gold and make it $50,000 to $100,000 an ounce. When wrong, just raise...
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