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What’s Going on with Gold?

The goldbugs are cheering that there has been a central bank buying of gold. They think somehow that this is because they are bullish on gold. What seems to be...

PRIVATE BLOG – US Trying to Sanction Russia’s Gold

PRIVATE BLOG – US Trying to Sanction Russia’s Gold Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Paradox of Gold

PRIVATE BLOG – The Paradox of Gold Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Money – Gold – Theories

QUESTION:  I’m a subscriber and I read you every day. Your weekend article 9/10/22 that a gold standard will not work as gold fluctuates just as Fiat currencies...

The New World – Alternative Order

Well, the Goldbugs are out in force claiming that Putin is creating a Moscow World Standard for gold. These people will never learn that their dream of some fixed...

Inflation – Real Estate – Chaos

COMMENT: I thought you were just a Trumper warning what would happen if Biden won. I have come back to your site because I can see inflation approaching 10% as you...

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold into the 3rd Quarter

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold into the 3rd Quarter Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Gold Discovery in Uganda Rocks the World

QUESTION: OK. How did Socrates know that they would find 31 million tonnes of gold in Uganda to create a bear market? I really want to hear this one. Thanks DH...

Gold – Dollar – Inflation

The American view during the 70s was more concerned about gold rather than the value of the dollar against world currencies. Most Americans never traveled to Europe...

Gold v Dow v Theories

COMMENT: I just wanted to comment on your “Endless Propaganda Behind the Dollar.” I attended your 2011 WEC in Philadelphia. I bought the stock market...