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Precious Metals

Gold to be or Not to Be

QUESTION: Marty; I won a bet against a goldbug. He bet gold would soar and the dollar would crash October 1st because of the SDR and said you would be exposed as a...

Gold – Dollar – Bonds

QUESTION: Hi, I have two questions: a) do you believe US dollar has been kept artificially lower than it should be (or at least in long range trading range) by at...

Private Blog Update for the Closing of September

Private Blog Update for the Closing of September Dow &...

Private Blog Gold Update

Private Blog & Gold Update on...

Socrates on Gold

We did not elect the Weekly Bearish last Friday. This has level the week of August 29th as the low, which was the target turning point on the array at that time....

Private Blog Update for Close of September 2nd, 2016

Private Blog Update Dow – Gold – Silver –...

Gold Reversals

We only elected the 1330 Daily Bearish. We did have another I did not mention at 1320. The next one we will see today. They are basis bearish futures not  the spot...

Gold Private Blog Update for close of August

Private Blog Gold Update for the Close of August...

Private Blog Update August 24th, 2016 – Gold & Dow

Private Blog Update August 24,...

Gold – When Money Dies

QUESTION: Hi Marty,   I read your post on gold today. After crash and burn, all those that are holding paper money will take a haircut.  So, irregardless of...