Are the Metals & Dow Aligning?
April 28, 2016
QUESTION: All three are moving together since mid-January. Does that mean all three are already aligned and a lift is now possible? Or do we go to retest the...
Dow Jones Gold SilverMetals & Stocks Still Not on the Same Page?
April 28, 2016
QUESTION: At the WEC you said that as long as the metals and the stock market are still fighting with each other, then the breakout is not quite ready. I assume we...
Dow Jones Gold SilverSilver Warning
April 27, 2016
We will be providing a post on silver on the private blog tonight. We have generated a – P E R F E C T – Double Daily Bearish Reversal which is very...
SilverWill Gold and Silver Become the Underground Currencies of the Future?
March 14, 2016
QUESTION: Martin … the reasoning behind goldbugs … advising people to buy gold to thwart the cashless society that govts will soon impose on us all....
Gold Q&A Silver The Hunt for TaxesLooking at the Future Clearly
March 10, 2016
QUESTION: Marty; I couldn’t stop reading the new Gold Report. All I can say is WOW. Thanks for showing your $5,000 target is not just pulled out of thin air...
Gold Q&A Silver2016 Gold Report Goes Out Today
March 9, 2016
This year’s report will not be part of the WEC Materials. We are looking to hold the next WEC conference after the presidential elections. Part II of this...
Gold Precious Metals Products and Services SilverPrecious Metals March 4th, 2016
March 4, 2016
Of course, the gold promoters are declaring this is a new bull market. Should we expect anything else? They do not address why silver is not responding and the...
Gold Precious Metals SilverBlog Alerts
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