Private Blog Update for Today’s Close Metals & Euro
May 2, 2016
Private Blog Update for Metals Closing Today & the...
Euro € Gold SilverMetals Update Tomorrow May 2nd
May 1, 2016
We will provide the Video Update for the Metals Tomorrow (for those who took the Metals Report). The computer does a far better job than any individual can possibly...
Gold SilverAre the Metals & Dow Aligning?
April 28, 2016
QUESTION: All three are moving together since mid-January. Does that mean all three are already aligned and a lift is now possible? Or do we go to retest the...
Dow Jones Gold SilverMetals & Stocks Still Not on the Same Page?
April 28, 2016
QUESTION: At the WEC you said that as long as the metals and the stock market are still fighting with each other, then the breakout is not quite ready. I assume we...
Dow Jones Gold SilverSilver Warning
April 27, 2016
We will be providing a post on silver on the private blog tonight. We have generated a – P E R F E C T – Double Daily Bearish Reversal which is very...
SilverWill Gold and Silver Become the Underground Currencies of the Future?
March 14, 2016
QUESTION: Martin … the reasoning behind goldbugs … advising people to buy gold to thwart the cashless society that govts will soon impose on us all....
Gold Q&A Silver The Hunt for TaxesLooking at the Future Clearly
March 10, 2016
QUESTION: Marty; I couldn’t stop reading the new Gold Report. All I can say is WOW. Thanks for showing your $5,000 target is not just pulled out of thin air...
Gold Q&A SilverBlog Alerts
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