2016 Gold Report Goes Out Today
March 9, 2016
This year’s report will not be part of the WEC Materials. We are looking to hold the next WEC conference after the presidential elections. Part II of this...
Gold Precious Metals Products and Services SilverPrecious Metals March 4th, 2016
March 4, 2016
Of course, the gold promoters are declaring this is a new bull market. Should we expect anything else? They do not address why silver is not responding and the...
Gold Precious Metals SilverMarket Manipulations: The Greatest Scam of All TIME
October 30, 2015
Throughout history, there has NEVER been a market manipulated TO ALTER its long-term trend – PERIOD. If this were remotely true, then communism would not have...
Silver Understanding CyclesSilver Rally & Gold Decline?
October 14, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; there are claims that silver is in short supply and since the prices are low that proves it is a manipulation. This seems to be the same...
Gold Q&A SilverAre Stocks and Gold Inversely Correlated?
October 3, 2015
QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, is it true that stocks and gold are inversely correlated? ANSWER: No. That is not a correct statement. No relationship is static, other...
Basic Concepts Gold SilverThe View on Gold and Silver
August 3, 2015
QUESTION: Thanks for the latest posts.I have 3 queries if you care to consider them. Some years ago you used to say $5000 and $12000 when contemplating...
Gold Q&A SilverThe Flight From Gold – A Fall From Grace
July 27, 2015
Why have gold investors taken flight from gold as it falls from grace? The sophistry that has fueled gold is being exposed. The gold promoters spun their latest...
Forecasts Gold SilverMetals Still Pointing Down
June 16, 2015
The precious metals are still pointing lower into our Benchmark targets. Indeed, the hunt for money by government is becoming so severe we may see the second...
Gold Precious Metals SilverBlog Alerts
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