QUESTION: Marty, at the Orlando WEC, I asked you if your real estate forecasts for residential included condos. I believe you said no. I bought a house when your...
QUESTION: Hey Martin, You once described? the real estate market as a lake. You went on to compare the collapse of the real estate market to throwing a rock in the...
We are witnessing a phenomenal shift in real estate where everyone is bailing out of urban cities throughout the country. Even property in the Hamptons has been...
The flight from the high-tax states continues to create a diversified real estate market throughout the United States. The Florida market is resilient. Despite the...
COMMENT: Martin, as an avid follower, I took your advice to heart to try to fix our interest rate for the loan we have on our house. This was the answer I got from...
During the last Mortgaged Backed Security scandal which undermined the entire world economy, they created mortgage modifications which enabled millions of...
QUESTION: Hi Martin, Recently you wrote: “Recently, this has manifested in laws that have attacked foreign investment in real estate, which is not the...
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong. I hope that you will please give me some advice on the following topics. Sorry for the grammar. I live in Denmark and have been saving...