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Real Estate

Florida & Texas Attracting Even More Migrants from High-Taxed States

The flight from the high-tax states continues to create a diversified real estate market throughout the United States. The Florida market is resilient. Despite the...

Real Estate & Foreign Investment That Drives Up Prices

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your free blog–I’ve learned heaps. I believe the greatest disservice a government can make is to allow foreign...

Banks – Interest Rates – Mortgages

COMMENT: Martin, as an avid follower, I took your advice to heart to try to fix our interest rate for the loan we have on our house. This was the answer I got from...

Mortgage Backed Securities Still Defaulting – Bad Omen for Real Estate?

During the last Mortgaged Backed Security scandal which undermined the entire world economy, they created mortgage modifications which enabled millions of...

Vancouver Real Estate

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, Recently you wrote: “Recently, this has manifested in laws that have attacked foreign investment in real estate, which is not the...

Staying Liquid May Be the Best Bet

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong. I hope that you will please give me some advice on the following topics. Sorry for the grammar. I live in Denmark and have been saving...

Mortgages & Banks

QUESTION: Hi Martin.. thanks so much for all your world/economic content and perspective. I was reading a comment you made recently concerning real estate...

Are Some Property Funds Being Suspended in London?

The collapse in property values in London has created a crisis in property funds. M&G Investments blocked withdrawals from its UK property fund as it seeks to...

German Real Estate – the Peripheral Market Rally

QUESTION: During the WEC I came to understand Real Estate will crash. Then when looking at Socrates, it shows real estate indices, however I do not recognise these...

How 10% of the People Can Make a Difference & Real Estate’s Role

QUESTION: Dear Marty, First I would like to thank you for all the help you provide especially for us little guys. I’m from Barcelona, and happily attended the...