QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I have a question in regards to your recommendation from last year’s WEC. You recommend to move to Tampa, FL and I have been...
QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for the daily blogs on world events with an independent analysis that makes sense. I find them better than investment bank...
California has joined the states with not just the highest taxes in America, but it has become one of those states that people are just leaving resulting i9n a net...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I listened to you perhaps a bit too late. Put my condo on the market here in New York City and nothing for six months. The realtor said...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What about the Chinese housing bubble. Why has this been so different in many ways? IX ANSWER: The primary difference is the simple fact...
The high-end market in Connecticut is starting to decline. The hedge fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller bought his estate in 2004 for $23 million. He had it on the...
Asking €747,000 QUESTION: Possible Correlation with ECM-peak in Nov. 2017? Mr. Armstrong, just today I became aware of your story and your life’s work. Your...
QUESTION: G’day guys. Thanks for a great seminar in Hong Kong! I’m reading through your 1 world currency report and find it very interesting, going back to...
QUESTION: I am new to your services. I purchased the Canadian report on the property markets. I am fascinated by your ability to forecast so many events. I...