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Dow Jones

The Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I am fascinated by what you have accomplished in this model. You mentioned in your post about the Orlando conference a slingshot and phase...

The Most Hated Bull Market in History

This has been the MOST HATED BULL MARKET in history. What is fascinating is how long this current bull market has been in play yet all we hear is how it is going to...

Bonds & Stocks Rally – What’s Going On?

This coming week is what we would call in horse racing a trifecta with former FBI director James Comey’s testimony, the U.K. election, and the ECB monetary-policy...

Important Update on U.S. Stock Market

An Important Update on The...

Private Blog – US Share Market Update

  Private Blog Update for US Share...

Stock Market Crash?

The correction has begun with the uneasiness of the two political scandals surrounding Trump – Russian meeting and now a Comey memo saying Trump asked him to...

US Share Market – Still Up or Correction?

QUESTION: Marty you warned previously that an April high would have the potential to create an important temporary high with a decline into 2018 and then a...

Money Rushing in Emerging Markets & Europe – Really?

QUESTION: Martin; it seems the Emerging Markets are back in favor just as interest rates are on the rise and their dollar borrowings have exploded. Is this the...

The Dow & Volatility

With the CBOE Volatility Index (STOXX: .VIX) at its lowest level in over 10 years, many people call this the fear gauge and are concerned that people have become...

The Dow & The Future – May 1st, 2017

The closing for April in the Dow Jones Industrial Index was very interesting to say the least. The closing at 20940.51 was just under our numbers defining bullish...