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Dow Jones

Dow Update for Month-End Closing of February 2016

We did not elect any bullish reversals. March remains our Directional Change target and the Dow could not close above 16934 for February. Looking ahead, we see the...

Dow Outlook – Month End February 2016

  Technically, the Dow Jones Industrials almost set up to make a “Channel Move” between two channels, but they interestingly overlapped instead...

The Week of February 29th

The markets have been churning back and forth. The trading range for key support and resistance in the Dow resides at 17406 and 16215. A closing outside that range...

Does the Dow Need to Break the 2015 Low or Did the S&P 500 Fulfill That Requirement?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, since the S&P did break last year’s low, does that qualify for a slingshot if the Dow does not? Thank You for all you do GW...

The Market in Perspective

Last week we had a Panic Cycle in gold and a Directional Change. Both performed on target.  As we have stated previously, the Directional Change can be, by...

Down & Dirty for the Dow? Feb. or March Low?

We have two Weekly Bearish Reversals in play today. The first is a key level at 15994 and the second is short-term at 15942. Certainly, a closing beneath both will...

Opening Numbers for February 12, 2016

Our Opening Pivot Point for gold tomorrow is still above the market coming in as 1272.40 while the Dow lies at 15497.74. In the euro, it rests at 1.1381. Keep in...

The Dow: How Far Down is Down?

  QUESTION: Marty, you said the bulk of any decline takes place in the first two to three units of time. It appears we are seeing that in gold to reach your...

The Game is Over – Market Perspective

The fuse has been lit. The world economy is in serious trouble and we have the worst possible people at the helm. You have Obama who wants to double the funding for...

Opening Pivot Points for Tomorrow

Our opening pivot point tomorrow in gold will be 1217.30. This came down slightly from 1220, but it still reflects where the resistance would stand. In the Dow, it...