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Dow Jones

The Dow – Down & Dirty?

The Dow is playing catch-up to the S&P 500, which broke last year’s low. The lagging Dow still reflects the difference between big international money and...

Gold & the Dow

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a question for your Blog . Do we need a falling dollar, like today, to see Gold rise? Thank you SH Germany ANSWER: No. When...

Dow & the Immediate View

The Dow needs a closing above 16350 to temporarily stabilize. Otherwise, we are not out of the woods here until we pass March. To suggest that the major low has...

2016: The BIG SHIFT

As we close 2015 and begin a new year, the markets generally closed flat to neutral with a warning that as we approach the political year from hell (2017) that this...

Closings Today will be the Year-End Signals

  Below is the holiday schedule for the markets. The closing for our models will be TODAY, and for the most part, this will be a full normal day. We are...

The Dow for Year-End — Will it All Just Go Nuts for 2017?

The Dow Jones Industrials still remains in a bullish posture on a broader perspective. The real critical support will lie at 16500 and the Panic Support is well...

Keep the Powder Dry Going into Year-End

This is historically a thin period of trading. Things can be a bit more volatile for a lot of the big money parks and parties at this time of the year. The Dow has...

Dow Looking Into 2016-2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, at the conference you said the US share market would continue to move sideways and there will be no breakout to the upside until 2016....

The Dow

The Dow is pulling back on schedule. We do not see a breakout to the upside. This should tread water for a bit, waiting for everything to align. A closing today...