QUESTION: Marty; You gave the resistance in the Dow at 20,158 and it stopped at 20,155. Gold you gave a buy signal at the close of 2016. You give us specific...
While every story you read from the press is negative about Trump and one in every three California residents supports the withdrawal from the union, according to a...
The intraday high was established on January 6th in the Dow at 19.999.63. We elected a Daily Bearish Reversal the very next day, which warned that we are moving...
The Dow made a new high on Friday, but we failed to closed above the 2016 high. We still see the next major resistance level in the 21000-23000 area. A Phase...
COMMENT: Congratulations Marty. We closed out the year less than one point away from your maximum (Tech 3) SPX 2016 target of 2239.8038 that your computer...
QUESTION: As a small retail investor, what would Marty suggest to invest in if in fact we break the 23000 level on the DOW and we do in fact get the phase...