Stock Indicies
Dow Update
August 24, 2015
In the Dow, we can see that Energy bottomed out so we have a counter-trend at work right now. We do have a pair of Daily Bearish Reversals at 14769. We continue to...
Dow JonesShanghai Share Market Outlook
August 24, 2015
Despite the fact that the rally in Shanghai was by no means a real bull market, regardless of the percentage move back up, keep in mind that what goes up big also...
Forecasts Shanghai CompositeFalse Move = August Low in Dow
August 23, 2015
A false move is measured from the high, not current time. Therefore, a FALSE MOVE would be two to three months from the May high in the Dow, which means an August...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Dow Jones ReversalsDow Sharp Drop – CAUTION Highly Warranted
August 21, 2015
The Dow has been dropping sharply ever since it elected the first two Weekly Bearish Reversals at 17732 and 17510. The next key Weekly Bearish Reversals to...
Dow Jones ForecastsChinese Stocks Continue to Collapse as World Economy Prepares for Nosedive
August 19, 2015
Asian shares have retreated. Even the Nikkei has fallen back to two-year lows, following Chinese shares as they further their sharp correction plunge, dropping so...
East Asia Forecasts Nikkei Shanghai CompositeThe Dow & the Two Paths To Chaos
July 16, 2015
We have a Daily Bullish Reversal in the Dow at 18105.00. A closing above that will warn of a retest of the May high of 18421.13. We still do not see a major crash...
Dow Jones Forecasts World Economic ConferenceDAX: A View Into the Heart of Europe
July 8, 2015
In the DAX Cash, we did elect two Weekly Bearish Reversals from the high of the week of April 6. The next key area of support lies down at the 938000 level. Next...
DAX Forecasts ReversalsThe Dow & the May High
July 8, 2015
So far, so good. The May high held for June and we achieved the lower monthly closing. Things will be choppy ahead for the remainder of the summer; hopefully we...
Dow Jones ForecastsShanghai’s Panic Sell-Off
July 8, 2015
The first window of opportunity for the temp low in the Shanghai will be tomorrow, the July 9. We have target support at 3615000 and key support at the Weekly...
East Asia Shanghai CompositeIs S&P Playing Dirty Games With Ratings Again?
June 13, 2015
Rating Agencies Testify Before Congress for their AAA-Ratings after 2007 S&P has issued a warning of a UK downgrade if it exits the EU. Quite frankly, we have...
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