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The Fate of Europe – Special Report for Rome WEC

As we face a major election this May in Europe, there truly is rising discontent among member states who realize this is just not working. The demands of austerity...

Socrates Progress Report

We are progressing in uploading all the memory modules. Soon, we will have all modules plugged in. I had an interesting meeting with one institution. One CFO still...

Three PRIVATE BLOGS Explained

We have created three separate membership options for the Socrates Platform( which are intended for three separate audiences. First, we have...

2019 Outlook Report

The 2019 Outlook Report covers the world. The Report will be priced at $1200 and will address the major markets. We will let everyone know as soon as it is...

Progress Report on Socrates Deployment

  We are loading in modules gradually now that we have at least gotten past the first deployment of a new delivery system. We are still working out the bugs on...

The Coming Launch of Socrates

QUESTION: Marty, Back in 2015 when they closed the Chicago MERC after 167 years, you did a piece about how flashing screens do not provide the same...

2018 Year-End Report

Here is the 2018 Year-End Report. This is Included with the WEC Events both in Orlando & Singapore this year. This includes specific details on a number of...

WEC 2018 & The Greatest Trade of the Century

Yes this year at the WEC we will be handing out a special report that will set the stage for many markets. This will be provided to all attendees to this...

Hoards of Ancient Coins Including Biblical Widow Mites

    QUESTION: Do you have any more Roman coins you will offer for Christmas? I would really like to buy a few to give to my grandchildren. WJ ANSWER: Yes....

Warning About Funds Management Claiming to be Using Socrates

We do NOT recommend any particular person to be managing money. We do NOT provide buy or sell signals to any such public fund or individual money manager. We have...