We will also be adding our What-If reversal model to the Trader preview version next weekend. This model projects where the reversals will be generated assuming an...
We are adding a group of new models before the final launch of the Trader version. We added the risk model this weekend. You will also find that the reports have...
We have penetrated last year’s low in the cash S&P500, but not in the Dow yet. The Yearly Bearish does not come into play until we get to the bottom of...
“The War Cycle” 2015 Update report is now available. In this report, we discuss the historic origin of the seemingly endless battle between the Sunnis...
We apologize that the site has gone down for brief periods. We are working on that issue. The site has grown hugely from both an access and data perspective....
Our reports that were provided to conference attendees will be available for sale to the general public AFTER January 1. We apologize, but doing business...
If you would like to request an invitation to join the Investor level platform of Socrates, please visit ask-socrates.com. Please note that it may take up to two...