It is time, to tell the truth about what is really behind all the chaos and why our Government is pushing for World War III. People may talk and mention the...
We have been forecasting for several years now that those who have been focused on the demise of the dollar to the exclusion of everything else would be wrong...
As we approach year-end for 2022, we will look at the various key markets to gain a sense of what the future will bring. We are clearly headed into a chaotic period...
This war has really nothing to do with Ukraine for this country has been used as cannon fodder to overthrow Putin – the second target in this New World Order....
The FIFTH EDITION is now Out This book has been rated 5 stars and is in the hands of just about every government around the world. In this edition, the COVID...
This is a focus report on the three hot spots where we have the greatest conflicts – Taiwan, Crimea, and the Middle East. This report goes into great...
The 2021 Canadian Report is now available. We have gone into the clever change in the law that Trudeau pulled off to allow him to cancel the currency at his...
We have issued a special report on the Sovereign Debt Crisis and why we even have this Great Reset and where we are headed. This report provides also a historical...