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War Games Always Go Bad

1952 CIA Document to Create Nationalism in Afghanistan QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read with great interest your insight into another motive behind the illogical...

Our Nemesis – Sovereign Debt Crisis

Nemesis & Justice in Pursuit QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I wanted to thank you for the conference in Berlin. It was my first time attending. I cannot wait for the...

Our Nemesis – The Sovereign Debt Crisis

Nemesis & Justice in Pursuit QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I wanted to thank you for the conference in Berlin. It was my first time attending. I cannot wait for the...

The Solution – Debt & Taxes

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was given your Solution DVD for Christmas by my son. I just began reading your blog for days. This has been an eye opening experience and...

Star Trek & Its Contribution to Everything

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I’m just curious. Will you go see the new Star Wars? Your technology with Socrates does seem light years ahead of everything. I love...

Fundamentalists & their Formulas

QUESTION: Marty, I believe that the traditional way of looking at even value no longer applies. Take the claimed doctrine in finance named the dividend discount...

The Numbers are the Numbers

QUESTION: Dear Marty, You have put your numbers out there for all to see for year end. Can they manipulate the closing due to thin markets, then reverse them to...

The Insanity of the Housing Market

QUESTION: Marty, What is the answer to affordable home ownership? Here in Australia the tax incentive called negative gearing introduced during Paul Keating’s...

Stock Market vs. Currency Inflation

QUESTION: Hello Marty Great conference! If the EM Debt implodes wouldnt the stock markets of those counties rise?? If the stocks from the EM markets did rise would...

Stocks vs. Economic Growth – What Relationship?

QUESTION: Did you contradict yourself when you said a higher dollar will weaken US economy? Then you said interest rates will make stocks rise? ANSWER: No. What...