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My Cyclical Approach

QUESTION:  Marty, I just watched ‘The Forecaster’ on demand, I just wanted to say it was an exceptional movie. I really enjoyed seeing your story...

Gold & Dow Inflation Adjusted

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have said that gold adjusted for inflation has not exceeded the 1980 high. Have we exceeded the 1929 high in the stock market? Just...

Euro Rally

QUESTION: Marty, I believe you said if the Euro closes below 10365 for the year then everything would fall apart. If it closed above 105, then the decline can be...

Commodities Depend on the Currency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said the decline in commodity prices will not reduce production but can actually accelerate output. How can this be? It does not make...

Gold on the Benchmark

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, it is really unbelievable how the metals fell right into the precise week you gave more than two years ago. I am a reformed goldbug. I am so...

Rome's Financial Crisis 218-202 BC?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I read that the first monetary crisis in Rome took place 218-202 BC claiming the currency collapsed. I never saw you make such a claim so I...

Efficient Market Theory vs. Behavioral Economic Theory

QUESTION: Hi,   Thanks for a great blog.    Mr. Armstrong,   I´d like to know your opinion for efficient market hypothesis. Theory states it is impossible to...

Antibiotics & The End of an Era

COMMENT:  Let’s see, penicillin was discovered in 1928, and first used en mass in 1943. Today, in 2015, antibiotic resistance is really becoming a problem...

Taxing Money: The Call to Arms by the IMF

COMMENT: Dear Martin –  I have been a follower for some time now and had great pleasure in hearing you speak at the Princeton WEC.  Thank you for so readily...

Gold, Geopolitics, & the Dollar

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for you blog and your informed perspective on world markets. I’ve owned gold and silver bullion for about 10 years and since...