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The World Is a Teacher If You Listen

QUESTION: Marty; CNBC even mentioned your turning point. They called you the “fringe” economist. Others call you the “source”, “Mr....

Gold & Money Supply

QUESTION: Sir; Will the Fed start to print money again if the economy turns down and does this not cause gold to rise? Thank you for your insight in this confusing...

Ruling the World

QUESTION: Sir, Let’s assume a minute that all countries around the World (all Central Banks together) sit with you and say: Mr Martin, fine, you are absolutely...

Deutsche Bank Is Part of the Euro Crisis

QUESTION: Do you think they will allow Deutsche Bank to fail? ANSWER: This is why the central bank of Germany advised the ECB to hide the stress test results...

Governments’ Hands Are Chained; They Cannot Prevent Their Demise

QUESTION: When I read your projections regarding monthly or weekly closes below certain levels, i cant help but think that the government is reading it also and...

The Future Rests in the Hands of the Youth

QUESTION: Hi mr. Armstrong, I’m aware of your blog for almost a year and try to daily follow your posts. I’m from the Netherlands and also over here...

Believing in Nonsense

QUESTION: How can you refute all the evidence that there is global warming and climate change caused by man? ANSWER: First, you should not be reading this blog for...

Do You Believe in God?

I was asked an interesting question: “Do you believe in God?” I think most people believe in some form of a higher being and the exact form will differ around...

Do Political Systems Ever Work?

QUESTION: HI! I’ve Just recently become aware of your existence. Subsequently my knowledge beyond your blog and “the forecaster” is limited....

Gold Confusion

COMMENT: Good Evening Martin, Great blog on the Gold Martin. Don’t bother with the nay -sayers. Most probably he got stock with too much gold and silver....