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Oil & The Commodity Risk

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, I work in engineering and last year I was offered a position back in a major North Sea oil company. The reason I turned it down was due to...

The Fudge Factor – Close vs. Intraday

QUESTION:  My question  below  is  for  Mr.  Armstrong. Hi Mr.  Armstrong, Thank you in behalf of  all of the investors/ traders who  are  awaiting to...

Thank You – The Future

COMMENT:  I carefully read through all your missives you had sent over the weekend, highlighting the importance of Monday for the Dow, and the levels given. You...

Dow in Euros

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; In Munich, you said the US share market had peaked in euros and the low looked to be in August. Is that view still on track? WG ANSWER:...

Who Becomes the Next Buyer?

QUESTION: A false move? I don’t follow.. If as you say the European money that’s been buying US stocks is now heading back to Europe, who will be the...

Markets in Turmoil: A False Move Preparing For Something Else?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all your writings. I may not understand them all, but certainly appreciate what you are doing to inform those of us you...

Socrates & Trading

QUESTION: Hi Mr.  Armstrong, What it exactly means  when Socrates  says  :  ” on the Weekly level we are currently with three short positions”  ...

The If-Then-Else Analysis

COMMENT: Marty, I want to thank you for showing me how real analysis actually works. I think so many people have been use to the typical buy and hold and its going...

The World of Currencies

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, the pegs are breaking everywhere. It appears that what you have warned about is unfolding right on time. The emerging markets seem to have...

The Mad Max Event

QUESTION: Martin, Can you explain more fully why you are expecting the market to rally post 2015.75 while at the same time the economy turns down? Is it merely...