QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, a friend introduced me to your site. He said you are the source and everyone, even the most famous, seem to reshape their forecasts to...
COMMENT: Martin, I just read your post “Does China’s Devaluation Reduce the Odds of the Fed Raising Rates?”. The line towards the end “The Fed is being...
QUESTION: Question about the post. So the rise of Donald trump and Ben Carson within the Republican Party is parallel to a rise in a third party? Even if they...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, In your post today you mentioned Donald Trump would be the most qualified candidate to handle the sovereign debt crisis. If I may ask, do...
QUESTION: Marty— Every post is enlightening. I was intrigued that there is no ‘plunge protection team’. I believe you, because you have been behind the...
COMMENT: Hey Martin. I really appreciate what you are doing for everybody by writing your blog. I make sure that I never miss anything that you write. I’m...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Have you ever been wrong? ANSWER: On a personal level, of course. We learn from our mistakes, not from our successes. I do not understand...
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong: Thanks for teaching me, that there are no conspiracy theories created by any Rothschild or Rochefeller, in order to manipulate...
QUESTION: Marty, you have written many times how everything is connected and how in Asian culture that is the foundation of all understanding. Why is it so hard in...