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Socrates and Cyber War

QUESTION: I attend Abundance 360 hosted by Peter Diamandis each year and he states that only the Pentagon, Homeland Security and NASA have Quantum computing...

“The Forecaster” Playing on European International Flights to USA

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Today I went by plane from Vienna to New York with Austrian Airlines. Also Austrian Airlines are showing “The Forecaster“. This is...

Cashless Society – Tracking Gold – the Hunt for Loose Change

QUESTION: Hi Marty, if they eliminate cash – how would that affect 3rd world countries? Wouldn’t that add a huge dose of salt on that part of the...

Retail Gold Sales Dropping Rapidly

COMMENT: Marty, I just got back from Madrid. I looked around for a place that sold gold. I could not find one. This is indeed very curious. Cheers LW REPLY: There...

An Interesting Observation of the World We Live in – Circus & Government

COMMENT: Hello Mr. Armstrong, The contrast between your thinking and that of most governments and central banks with regard to the economy (the economic behaviour...

Brussels & the Trend Toward Authoritarianism

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, I hope your well. Please could you elaborate on your post: “Consolidating all the debt in the EU” Of course you were...

The Fed & Interest Rates: The Nightmare That Will Not End Nicely

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; You have written that the Federal Reserve remains on track to raise interest rates later this year and this will accelerate the capital...

The Link Between Inflation & Interest Rates

QUESTION: Hi Marty, The reason central banks like to have inflation, is because they get to reduce the effective value of their respective national debts over time....

Gold & the International View

QUESTION: Dear Martin, When you comment upon the majority of your analysis, I assume it is from a domestic (US oriented) perspective, looking out at the world.For...

The Money-Debt Paradox

QUESTION: Dear Martin, if bonds are beginning to crash in 2015.75 , is there anything that prevents central banks from printing even more money and buying bonds as...