The Great Unwashed Are Getting Angry
March 15, 2016
COMMENT: Hi Marty, Well, if the establishment in collusion with the MSM continues to pull dirty tricks and deny Trump the nomination or ultimately the election,...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Q&AWill Gold and Silver Become the Underground Currencies of the Future?
March 14, 2016
QUESTION: Martin … the reasoning behind goldbugs … advising people to buy gold to thwart the cashless society that govts will soon impose on us all....
Gold Q&A Silver The Hunt for TaxesLooking at the Future Clearly
March 10, 2016
QUESTION: Marty; I couldn’t stop reading the new Gold Report. All I can say is WOW. Thanks for showing your $5,000 target is not just pulled out of thin air...
Gold Q&A SilverEarthquakes and Intensity
March 8, 2016
QUESTION: I thank you for including in your studies even the most intricate of historical information…your work has been fascinating to watch. In regard to...
Q&A Understanding CyclesPE Ratio – Mania v Panic
March 7, 2016
QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Some of your readers, me included, wonder how the Dow is going to get to 23,000 or more, especially as we go through an economic...
Basic Concepts Dow Jones Q&A S&P 500Is There a Percentage Rally that Confirms a Change in Trend?
March 4, 2016
QUESTION: Hello Martin, Can you verify the following statement: “No bear has ever resumed following a 20% rally.” As today marks a 21%...
Q&A Understanding CyclesTTIP: Will it Fail?
March 1, 2016
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Your article on the trend set in motion with reference to Trump was fantastic. The world and how it ticks is truly fascinating, your...
Q&A World EventsCollapse of the EU – Is it Inevitable?
February 25, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The World Economic Conference was outstanding. Your theme that Europe was the focal point for the coming chaos has been proven valid with...
European Union Q&A World EventsIt’s Just All Connected
February 25, 2016
COMMENT: Marty; it has taken me some time to digest your thinking. I just wanted to say you have opened my eyes and I can see the connections. Trump is a symptom...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election North America Q&ADoes the IMF Follow our Forecasts?
February 24, 2016
COMMENT: Marty; it is clear that the IMF is reading your forecasts. No such agency has the power to provide any economic forecast whatsoever. The IMF is starting to...
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