Trump v Apple
February 24, 2016
I believe that Donald Trump is way off base here because he is not a programmer. If Apple creates a backdoor for the FBI in its phones then hackers will also find...
North America Q&A TechnologyIs Any Asset Safe?
February 22, 2016
QUESTION: Hi Marty, I have been following your blog for several years and attended your “Cycles of War” presentation in Philadelphia. It has been...
Armstrong Economics 101 Q&A The Hunt for TaxesBREXIT on Schedule
February 22, 2016
QUESTION: I attended your May 1999 seminar in London. I am the person who asked you when would Britain exit the EU. You said not before 2016. Can you elaborate on...
European Union Q&A World EventsClassic Thinking vs. Reality
February 21, 2016
QUESTION: Hi Martin ! In a globalized interconnected world where we see stock markets falling 30% and more from their recent high entering bear market territory...
Basic Concepts Q&AGold & Ratios: Are They Really Worth Much?
February 21, 2016
QUESTION: Dear Martin , I had been following the the various gold bug theories since 2009 but became disillusioned after 2011 until I came across your site . What...
Basic Concepts Gold Q&AMoney Has Always Been What Was Available
February 20, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, most of the people in the gold community say you are wrong and gold has always been money. Would you care to respond? ANSWER: If you want...
Ancient Economies Q&ADoes the Dow Need to Break the 2015 Low or Did the S&P 500 Fulfill That Requirement?
February 18, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, since the S&P did break last year’s low, does that qualify for a slingshot if the Dow does not? Thank You for all you do GW...
Dow Jones Forecasts Q&A S&P 500Will They Confiscate Gold Again?
February 18, 2016
QUESTION: Hello Marty, Is it your belief that they will (again) try to confiscate gold bullion coins when the going gets rough? If so, is there an alternative that...
Gold Q&ABitcoin Reality
February 17, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong : Since you have deep knowledge about coins and currencies going back to ancient times, it would be really helpful to get your view of what...
Foreign Exchange Q&AGold: What Now? February 16, 2016
February 16, 2016
QUESTION: Hello Martin Today it seemed as if you posted a basically bearish Euro call and a temporary bullish Gold call. I understand that a crisis in the Euro...
Gold Q&ABlog Alerts
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