Plagues & Changes in Economics — The Hunt for Taxes
February 16, 2016
QUESTION: I assume you have studied this hunt for money government goes through. Has it always ended in the collapse of...
Ancient Economies Q&A The Hunt for TaxesFiltering the Reversals – What Level to Use
February 16, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, First of all, thank you for all you do. These are crazy times and so many of us would like to thank you for your guidance through these...
Q&A Training ToolsCalifornia Dreaming: The Great Migration from California
February 15, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I live in San Francisco (silicon Valley) and due to internet and automation, technology is doing well and Real estate has been strong,...
North America Q&A Real EstateWhere to Invest
February 15, 2016
QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am a subscriber to your investor service and read your blog daily for years now. Thank you for your wonderful service to educate those who...
Precious Metals Q&A Real Estate Stock IndiciesGold: Low of Lows or Just A Low?
February 14, 2016
QUESTION: Marty; I had purchased your gold report and the low for gold came in exactly as you laid out on that benchmark date you gave more than two years in...
February 14, 2016
QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I read your blog every day. Thank you but i’m having trouble figuring out where to place my money moving forward. Cash, the...
Q&A Understanding Cycles World EventsNo Need to Live in Fear; It’s the Yin and Yang of Civilization
February 14, 2016
QUESTION: Martin. …Thank you for getting back to me. I have one quick question though. What does it mean when you say “It is in the staging...
Armstrong Economics 101 Basic Concepts Q&A Understanding CyclesIs There Something More Important Than Money?
February 13, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You were named hedge fund manager of the year with the most amazing public track record which nobody has ever come close to matching. You...
Armstrong Trial Q&A The ForecasterGold: Just Follow the Numbers
February 11, 2016
COMMENT: Marty the computer has done an amazing job on gold with the reversals. Just stupendous. BB REPLY: Just follow the numbers. They cut through all...
Gold Q&AThe Dow: How Far Down is Down?
February 11, 2016
QUESTION: Marty, you said the bulk of any decline takes place in the first two to three units of time. It appears we are seeing that in gold to reach your...
Dow Jones Q&ABlog Alerts
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