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Right v Wrong

QUESTION: Marty, I have been following you now for a few years. You seem to be never wrong. You always say it is not your opinion. Is there some secret to how you...


  Some have asked the question how long does it takes Socrates to analyze the entire world and write over 1,000 reports every day? The nice thing about...

Socrates Newsletter Sign-Up Form

Interested in learning more about Socrates? Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter below to receive the latest platform updates. Current Socrates subscribers do not...

Comments & Free Markets

COMMENT #1: Well, at least I got the decline accelerating in the Ruble correct and thanks to your models knew the war and commodity cycles were turning up. Getting...

Trying to Figure Out Why the World is So Precise

  QUESTION #1: Marty; Long-time reader, pro member. First of all, thank you for confirming suspicions from my youth that there are cycles everywhere and for...

The Great Economic Destruction & COMPLEXITY

COMMENT #1: OK Marty, it is now becoming obvious that not only Trump reads your stuff but so does Obama. Trump bought a $19 million remote island and Obama bought...

Socrates Inquiry for This Year’s Attendees at the WEC Nov 5-7

  This year we will be providing all attendees with an inquiry application that will provide answers on many economic and financial targets as well as...

Socrates Access

  This video is a brief walk through of the Socrates Platform by Martin Armstrong (highlighting a Pro Membership). To learn more, please visit the Socrates...

GameStop – Who Done It?

  While many pundits are calling this the “squeeze of a lifetime” and a war of retail against the hedge funds, in reality, it was a PERFECT...

What Now?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Given the current situation, and your forecast of what’s to come, what do we, the people, do now to protect ourselves on all sides?...