QUESTION: Hi Marty, Quick question, you always recommend coins over bullion. I have some of what I would call bullion coins (I.e., Silver Eagles) … are you...
Beware the pegs. Now that traders have been wakened from a deep sleep buried beneath tons of political propaganda furthered by the press, they are sniffing around...
QUESTION: Martin, I must take issue to the answer you gave on Jan 19th to the crypto currency and one world currency question. Mainly the first sentence. You said...
QUESTION: I was at the Philly conference was outstanding ! Any plans for trading conferences this year ? Also would you have a recommended reading list ? I have...
QUESTION: Dear Marty! Hats off on the call about the Franc. It’s amazing what Socrates and the work of all you at Princeton Economics is doing, to all of you...
Here is gold in British pounds. You will notice that there is no real nice V bottom. Gold in pounds is still crawling along support. This implies two...
The answer to this question is yes and no. There are two entirely separate forecasts TIME and PRICE. There are three markers in price with respect to the Dow...
QUESTION: Hi Martin, I’ve never bought any cryptocurrencies, and I understand and agree with your view on cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. Am I correct in my...
QUESTION: Martin, I have a friend who is concerned about the impact of Russia’s breaking with the petro dollar. I explained to him your point that trade is...
The Swiss Peg cracked because of the flight of capital from Euroland. There is still a risk that the money flows more into treasuries going into the end of the...