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Gold v Dollar

  The typical sales job of the gold promoters has spend so much energy in selling gold as a hedge against inflation and thus gold will rise with the fall of...

Comment From France

Tomorrow Sunday in the City of Terror: The Three Little Pigs – Cameron, Merkel, Hollande – and other big supporters of the fanatics in Syria will...

Mud – A Secret Miracle?

Sometimes ancient remedies knew things we assumed were just nuts. Romans would put mud on a wound. They may have been right after all. A completely new antibiotic...

NASA Discovers Earth-Like Planets We Can Exile Socialists To

The US space agency NASA announced a breakthrough in the search for possible exoplanets: space scientists have analyzed the data from the Kepler telescope and...

Capitalism – Socialism – Communism

  The business cycle is critical to understand. The difference between Capitalism and Socialism is simple. Capitalism is where you are free to decide what you...

Corruption Corrupts Everything

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Your staff have told us you do not pay attention to what other analysts say because you are always too busy. I just wanted to say once again...

Dow to Rise with Higher Interest Rates

  The Dow held our Weekly Bearish Reversal at 17722. We warned that “The main bank of support begins at the 16300 area. A weekly closing beneath 17722...

Religion – Segregation – Civil Unrest

In France, retaliation have unfolded with civil unrest striking back with attacks on three mosques. In another French city, a homemade bomb exploded in the...

Italy’s Version of the Patriot Act?

The Italian government is preparing to enact stronger anti-terrorism laws in the wake of the Paris attack. Our sources in Italy see this as an opportunity much like...

I am Charlie

The Islamic Radical attack on Charlie Hebdo, the satirical weekly magazine in France, has illustrated that we are entering this new age of the cycle of war thyat...