The Dow elected only the Daily Bearish on Monday not last Friday which was also a Weekly. Therefore, no Weekly Bearish has been elected leaving 17235 intact....
The trend on a global basis is getting really scary. Our forecasts have been computer generated and are by no means my PERSON opinion of what I would like to see....
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, my son came home from university for the the holidays. To my shock, we had our first intelligent conversation about the economy. He...
President Barack Obama intends to sign a bill that would hammer even new sanctions on Russia and provide weapons to Ukraine. The legislation would impose sanctions...
Never was the rejection of Poland against the euro so strong. The Polish people fear that above all, they would suffer from the introduction of the Euro. The...
The Swiss franc tumbled on Today as its Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) imposed a charge on deposits for two main concerns. First, they are scared of a flood of...
President Jean-Claude Juncker of the EU has instructed all member countries to provide information on their tax decisions (breaks) provided corporations to the...
As always, the government imprisons anyone who exposes their illegal activity. The ONLY person in prison related to torture is John Kiriakou who was the...